KulturSalon Wien is an active hub for cultivating and promoting interdisciplinary cultural and artistic endeavor in Vienna. Interconnecting a wide range of visual and performing artists, writers, filmmakers, academics, philosophers, and champions of creative city life with a network of patrons and other enablers of cultural efflorescence, the salon is a forum where creativity is fostered and foresighted alliances are forged.
The genial salon environment – centrally located in 1080 Vienna – serves as a cosmopolitan meeting point where creative ideas are discussed and daring new work is supported in partnership with a participant community of enthusiastic aficionados that may include producers, editors, publishers, gallerists, fundraisers, and other impresarios.
The most resilient communities – in society as in nature – are those that sow complex, mutualistic interrelationships. A contemporary, interdisciplinary salon for culture and art can enrich the soil of creativity and diversity in a collectively restorative setting exceptionally suited for cross-pollination and social synergy. In this sense, KulturSalon Wien is an eco-cultural model of person-to-person networking for a consociational future.
KulturSalon Wien is a multi-tiered platform for interdisciplinary networking in culture and the arts. Through semimonthly, curated events, featuring new concepts, developing works, and projects – such as readings, indie screenings, and illustrative performances – creative society is greeted in a discreet, semi-public setting. Members and guests meet in a room reserved for discourse and interaction on themes of social interest from politics and art to cinematic history and current events in the news.
A registered non-profit organization, KulturSalon Wien is supported by a team of international Active Members with backgrounds in literature, philosophy, music, architecture, theater, film, visual arts, business development, haute cuisine, and software development. A closely tied board includes playwright, director, and theater and performance art producer Warren Rosenzweig; stage and screen actress, photographer, and painter, Inge Maux; musician, klezmer musicologist, and entrepreneur, Günther Schöller; and visual artist, tea master, and teacher, Kuros Zahedi.
Alongside a broad network of creatives and socially engaged friends of artistic and cultural initiative, KulturSalon Wien develops partnerships with public and private institutions and invites cooperation and support from private sponsors.
Associate Member privileges include, among others:
• possibility to participate in Living Room events
• access to an interactive event planning calendar
• privileged consideration for featured support
• cocuratorial access to online FilmStory database
• digital card exchange and online contact sheet
• invitations to special events
• illustrated monthly digital newsletter
• internal online blog
Further info, contact us at: office@kultursalon.net
We welcome your suggestions: idee@kultursalon.net
Impressum / Imprint: Für den Inhalt verantwortlich:
Verein Kultursalon Wien, ZVR-Zahl: 1010404762
Kontakt: office@kultursalon.net
© KulturSalon Wien 2023